Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Final Live Show!

Everyone was majorly stressed out today, I was feeling it as well, even though I weren't doing anything else in it.
It was probably a good thing I weren't presenting on the show since I've got a sore throat and can't stop sniffing and coughing, so when it did come to my groups live show, I decided to wait outside for them.
We all had sheets to write down comments on each live show, it was rather long and after a while got a bit boring, but it was interesting to hear how the others did, most of them did very well.
My group went last since Freddie DID end up coming in late, but he DID turn up and went straight to work :)
In my opinion, the show went really well and whilst I was sat outside, I decided to write down comments about what I thought of the show-which I accidentally left at college, I was very impressed when they still continued on with the show when there was some technical difficulties with-can guess it?
MY speech package, yep, there's just no end to my suffering.
I was very worried at that point, I was being marked on this and I hadn't been marked on anything else apart from that, so it was a HUGE relief when it finally played at the end of the show, clearer than I thought it would be and I didn't even cringe at the sound of my own voice in that weird American, creepy, mother-like accent.
Everyone got Distinctions-except for me, since I don't know what my grade is yet, Beckie said she'd tell me tomorrow, because I had to rush off for my bus, I can only hope it came out alright, the show over all got a distinction which I'm thankful for, since I knew how much the others really wanted it.
That's it for our radio shows, which I'm happy about, I'm not keen on radio and although it was interesting, I think I know what I want to do for my final project.
Tomorrow is our last radio lesson with Beckie, which is quite sad, but I'm sure I'll see her about, we have to take in everything we've done in radio tomorrow, so my bag is going to be VERY heavy and I shall then find out my grade for my speech package.
Oh! I'm also presenting my radio show presentation, a little late, but I'm glad all that hard work I put into it hasn't been for nothing :)

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